School Directory

Vinson-Owen employs a secure online directory to facilitate seamless communication among members of our school community, including caregivers, students, faculty, and staff. Access to this online directory is limited to these groups.

Please be reminded that the directory information is not to be used for solicitation purposes.


Access to the Directory

Class and Grade Lists

The directory may be filtered and printed by selecting Print and then using the menus to filter by teacher or grade. The generated lists includes:

  • Student name and grade

  • Teacher name

  • Caregiver name(s)

  • Phone number(s) (if provided)

  • Email address(es) (if provided)

Note: A mailing address may be obtained by looking up an individual student.

Prefer Paper?

Order via the MembershipToolkit online store on the site for $5.

Summer Timing

The summer is a busy time for updating the directory. We apologize for periods of time during the month of August where information may appear to be incomplete or in-transition. By the end of August, we should have the correct school-year information available in the directory each year.